Please join us Sunday mornings.
Peace Church meets at Brightmore of South Charlotte at 10:30 AM on the first, third, and fifth Sunday's of each month.
We worships jointly with Little Church on the Lane at 522 Moravian Lane, Charlotte NC at 11:00 AM on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. These services are also streamed on the Charlotte Moravian YouTube Channel.
Gathering as a community to grow in faith through
conversation, study, and prayer.
Gathering as a community to praise God, share life, and prepare our hearts to love and serve.
Scattering into the community to share the Love of Jesus Christ

Learn, live, and share the love of Jesus Christ,
nourishing the community through conversation, compassion, and discipleship.

We believe that theology matters. What we believe impacts who we are, and who we are impacts how we live. Therefore, Peace Church offer numerous opportunities to gather together to learn and grow in our faith.
Many members choose to participate in small group time on Sunday mornings for a time of prayer, study, and discussion. Others choose to gather at alternative times for group bible studies, prayer groups, spiritual formation groups, or as part of our music ministry.
No matter where you are on your faith journey, we have a place for you. Contact us today for more details.

Faith is more than knowledge and mere intellectual assent. It is a relationship with Jesus that is to be lived out in community.
To renew our hearts and prepare ourselves to live that reality, we gather together weekly as a community for a time of worship. In worship, we offer ourselves fully to God, offering our praises and prayers in song and word, and allowing the proclamation of God's word to speak to our hearts and transform us and prepare us for His service.
We also gather at various times to share how God is working in our lives and to enjoy fellowship and Christian community. Activities include an active Men's Brotherhood, a prayer shawl ministry, a Kid's Club, and a vibrant music ministry, just to name a few.
We would be honored to have you join us as we journey together with Jesus.

Jesus told His disciples, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:34-35 ESV.)
Peace Church strives to heed Jesus' call to love one another in all that we do. We share the love of Jesus by praying for one another, listening to, caring for, and comforting one another, encouraging one another, and nurturing one another.
We also share Jesus' love in our community and in world. We share Jesus' love by supporting ministries such as The Matthews Help Center, the Moravian Church's Sierra Leone Ministry, our wonderful Peace Preschool, Skills Group of Charlotte, Community Culinary School of Charlotte, and the Brightmore of South Charlotte and Windsor Run Retirement Communities.
Join us as we nourish the community with the love of Jesus.

This Sunday, March 31st, we will gather for worship at Little Church on the Lane at for our Easter Sunrise Service at 7AM. Following worship we will have breakfast in the fellowship hall.
At 10:30 AM, we will gather for worship at Brightmore of South Charlotte.
Small Groups
Our Wed. PM Small Group study will meet Wed. PM at 7PM.
Nourishing the Community
Ronald McDonald House
Our dear brother in Christ, Francis Snyder was diligent and faithful in helping nourish the community by collecting beverage/pop tabs to be recycled and help raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House. Help Peace Church continue to support this ministry by collecting and bringing your beverage tabs to Pastor Rusty.
WeeklY Info
March 25-31, 2024
Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you
(980) 339-7609
Office Address
9303 Monroe Rd., Ste. H1
Charlotte, NC 28270